A review by nodressrehearsals
Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
I considered the first two books pretty meh, but said I might pick up the third to find out more about Adrian.
As I was reading, I was more and more disgusted by the Moroi-Damphir arrangement. I can't believe it never bothered me so much during the first two books (maybe because Rose didn't make so many comments about it?).

The Damphirs are being completely exploited by the Moroi and they're happy about it. They're told to be grateful that they only have to work 24 hours a day 6 days a week during the training because once they're really in the world, they'll be working 24/7. And it's not an exaggeration. Rose sleeps on Christian's FLOOR during her training, 6 nights a week (or maybe it's all 7? I'm not really sure how that day off works). They can't date as they please, they have no say in their assignment, they're just expected to do as they're told and be grateful. Or, they can go and be prostitutes (the only other option I've seen presented for them in earlier books). It's gross.

So, I went and looked at spoilers for the very last book because maybe the remaining books will address this and there will be a Dhampir revolution. Spoiler: there's not. The summary I read basically said,
Spoilerand Rose & Dmitri were so lucky that they got to be Guardians for Lissa and Christian so they could also be together. Then everyone lived happily ever after!!.

So I stopped reading. I don't want to read 3.5 more books about this.