A review by mewpasaurus
Dalek I Loved You by Nick Griffiths


At first I found reading through this to be difficult. Not because the subject matter was hard to grasp (quite the opposite), but because it really started off as the dull life of a dull person living somewhere in England, discussing his growing love of Doctor Who through the ages. So at first, I almost gave up on this book, but afterward, I am glad I stuck with it.

Dalek I Loved You is the story of a person who comes to appreciate and then nearly obsess over Doctor Who (classic). But, the book is more like a semi-biography of this man's life as well. He details his experiences growing up (which some were quite hilarious). Some of the experiences I related to, others, obviously not.

However, as he goes on telling his tale, the story gets better and better. And there are those little anecdotes he writes about here and there that I found myself laughing about or reminiscing about my own adventures (even though I am probably only half as old as the author of this book.

So in the end, this book wasn't as much about Doctor Who as it was about this person's life and what role Doctor Who played in it.

Still an interesting reading, but not for you if you are expecting in depth history of Who lore and/or in depth episode synopsis (or anything in that category).