A review by luellen1990
Alison Wonderland by Helen Smith


Alison Wonderland by Helen Smith

Title - Alison Wonderland
Author - Helen Smith
Published - Aug '11
Publisher - Lake Union Publishers
Pages - 176
Price on Amazon - Paperback - £6.99 Kindle - £2.48
ISBN - 1935597752

When her husband leaver her Alison impulsively takes a job at a private investigators office. Hoping it will help her move on and fix her life. she finds herself searching for missing items and following cheating husbands. But all that is nothing compared to the wonderful and fascinating people she has in her life. A psychic postman, a best friend who's mother is a witch and so much more.

When I read the title of this book, I immediately thought of Alice in Wonderland which of course is my favourite book. I love reading adaptations and remakes of it so I immediately chose this book.

I found this book to be very slow and rather boring. I thought Alison was a rather annoying character and all in all I just couldn't get on with the book. I only read about five chapters then I gave up. I didn't enjoy the writing style, I didn't find the characters to be very likeable and overall I just wasn't enjoying it. For these reasons, I didn't finish the book and therefore am unable to give a full review.

Rating - One out of Five Stars
Would I Read Again? - No
Would I Recommend? - No
Would I read other books by the same author? - Yes

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