A review by fantasyfandomm
Feathers of Blood by Alice Ivinya


Cover: 5/5
World building: 4/5
Characters: 5/5
Flow: 3/5
Overall plot: 5/5
Tension: 1000/5 in the best way.
Would recommend?: hell yes
Would read again? Sure!

Pro: thank you so much for adding scenes with Jian in them throughout and not going all New Moon on us and dumping the male MC in favor for Jeremiah or something. Truly. Thank you. I can’t wait to see Ruo again. I really missed her.

Okay, I’m a sucker for romance. I know this. Book one gave this to me every page. Easily 6/5 stars. Book two has tons of romance and tension, don’t get me wrong. But it also had sooo much world building that I just wasn’t prepared for and isn’t my cup of tea and didn’t seem necessary (yet). I was on the last page and realized this was a trilogy and not a duology so we shall see! I am very excited to see the conclusion. I wish the lengthy world building conversations between Bua’la’mi and Brianna would have been spread out more. I kept putting the book down halfway through but it was worth continuing easily!!

“I felt myself liquefy beneath his heat, and he changed me drip by drip, shaped me so I would never be the same. Too late, I fumbled to solidify the walls that protected my heart. Too late, I remembered the warnings carved into my life from all who had hurt me. But the damage was already done”

“The world had gone mad, so we would go mad along with it.”