A review by jgwc54e5
The Midsummer Garden by Kirsty Manning


This was an easy read, an historical romance mystery in 1487 at a french chateau and a modern romance set mostly in Tasmania plus Spain, italy and France. I found the modern story weaker probably because I didn’t like the characters. Jack just didn’t seem worth it. This part is overwritten really, I could’ve done without all the later chapters. The link between the two stories is also pretty weak. Some medieval French pots end up in Tasmania and nobody had opened up and found the parchment recipes/herbal until Pip was given them? The medieval story was far more interesting, and lacked closure for me. What happened to the abbot? Did he get what he deserved in the end?
The book is well researched and detailed particularly in the food including recipes and menus, multiple herb uses and mushrooms types and uses.
An enjoyable light read but I preferred her more recent book,[b:The Lost Jewels|52219016|The Lost Jewels|Kirsty Manning|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1579613261l/52219016._SY75_.jpg|70216118].