A review by kiskadee321
Follow Her Home by Steph Cha


I could not put this book down. A friend saw me reading Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep last summer and recommended I check out Steph Cha's book. I kind of enjoyed The Big Sleep, but wasn't over the moon. Although I enjoy P.I. movies, something about Chandler's literary private eye didn't sit right with me -- plus that sort of requisite femme fatale character and Marlowe's fear/hatred of women bothered me.

I hesitated for over six months to pick up Follow Her Home. It was so much more enjoyable than The Big Sleep. Maybe it's because I find Song, a twentysomething woman, much more compelling and relatable than any Marlowe could ever be to me. It does everything that noir should do without the drawbacks of some of the older works (which I know that Ms. Cha is a fan of). Even better, it's a mystery with an ending that is satisfying.

Great work, Ms. Cha. I will definitely be on the lookout for any future adventures of Song.