A review by stephxsu
The Things That Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley


THE THINGS THAT KEEP US HERE answers the apocalyptic “what if?” with terrifying realism. Carla Buckley’s debut novel draws us into Ann and Peter’s minds and will keep you awake long into the night.

If Jodi Picoult wrote apocalyptic fiction, the result would probably be something like THE THINGS THAT KEEP US HERE. Carla Buckley draws her characters with remarkable attention and care: Kate and Maddie in particular sound like kids their ages do. It’s hard to imagine what people would do in such a scenario, but they would probably act something like Ann and Peter do: uncertainly straddling the border between the person they always were and the person they are forced to be, bad parts and all.

The story revolves pretty much solely around Ann and Peter’s Midwestern home, and yet we catch a glimpse of a large number of secondary characters and smaller episodes that are the result of the pandemic. These episodes have Kate acting out against her family, unable (or unwilling) to understand the seriousness of the situation; Ann prioritizing the lives she can save and the limited risks she’s willing to take for the sake of her family. The wide variety of characters in this novel make so that anyone can relate to or empathize with at least one person, thus making this book enthralling for everyone.

THE THINGS THAT KEEP US HERE is a remarkable story about the complexities of human nature in the face of an international disaster. If you’re a fan of apocalyptic fiction, or if you appreciate well-written and interesting character-driven books, considering reading this one. It’s worth your time and attention!