A review by shan198025
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan


I liked this book better than the first. I thought Gabry was whiny but then she's a teenage girl I think they all are. I felt kinda bad for her. She sees her self as weak and dull, which clouds her view of how others see her. I liked Elias a lot, not sure why. Maybe cause he was living his life, trying to be better, move forward and be responsible. Catcher I liked in the beginning and in a few other areas but it upset me that it seemed like he and Cira blamed Gabry for everything. I don't want to give to much away but they sometimes make it seem its her responsibility. I wonder if Annah is in love with Elias too? Cause that could be awkward when they all meet up. I looking forward to Gabry meeting Annah and the whole "you left me in the forest beoych" conversation. Cause technically it was Elias but Annah was her sister she should have had her back. I'm glad se of the questions were answered from book one, regarding what the Sisterhood was hiding and were they all came from. I guess Mary's past is put to rest to now that she's with Harry. I did like that they saw Travis' skull and wondered about. It kinda tied up a dangling thread I thought about poor Travis. Totally looking forward to book three.