A review by anabelsbrother
Her Perfect Affair by Priscilla Oliveras


Also on Romances Ever After as part of the Blog Tour.

I loved Priscilla Oliveras’ debut novel, His Perfect Partner, so I was pretty stoked when I got approved for the sequel ARC. While Her Perfect Affair didn’t manage to charm me the way its predecessor did, this book still has some strengths I appreciate.

Her Perfect Affair follows the second Fernandez sister, Rosa. Rosa’s the straitlaced one of the three sisters, the rules follower and ‘good girl’, until one night she decided to follow her heart and get together with Jeremy Taylor, a close friend of the family and a man she’s been crushing on for years. Like the first book, I really love that this book is unapologetically Latinx, from the Spanish integrated in the dialogues, the food, the strong familial bonds… I’ve always found myself easier to relate to ethnic families in lit seeing that I came from one myself, and it thrilled me to find similarities in a culture different than my own. I adore the tight bond between the Fernandez sisters. I love how they love and support each other despite their differences. I also love Rosa’s poetry club kids, they’re all standout characters on their own.

That being said, I wish I was more invested in the romance since that’s the thing I came here for. I love both Rosa and Jeremy as individual characters, but I had mixed feelings about them together. Jeremy, especially, has my heart—he was so kind and earnest, and he tried so hard, this man. Rosa was his ride or die, and it kind of pained me to see his sincere efforts constantly rebuffed. He simply couldn’t do anything right in Rosa’s eyes. I wanted to be understanding of Rosa’s insecurities regarding Jeremy, but the push-and-pulling got a bit tiring halfway through the book. I was amazed by Jeremy’s endless patience.

Overall, I was slightly disappointed that I didn’t love Her Perfect Affair as much as I wanted to, but I’m still sticking around to see Lili, the youngest Fernandez sister, gets her HEA.