A review by yogicath
Absolute by Mazzy J. March


This is book five and the final instalment of the Ridgewood Rogue Wolves Saga series and the main character is Char (Charlotte), who had found her way to a real home at last, with a group of misfit shifters like herself and found herself involved with her four mates Neville, Drew, Vincent and his brother Stephen. But Stephen is with the nearby Molgrove pack and she misses him. The Molgrove pack have been attacking theirs and caused damage, but that soon escalates when they take one of the pack. They had tried to assassinate their leader Lynn, the mother figure who took Char in and gave her a home and a place to work, even being happy that her own son had mated with Char. Supporting her all the way. Their pack of misfits had come together to avoid a life of war and being alone as rejects or rogues, and all they wanted was to live their lives in peace. But the Molgrove pack obviously wants war and isn’t willing to leave them in peace! Lynn refuses to be named as Alpha of their misfit pack and they all get along together but the Molgrove pack have made them wary of travelling into the woods alongside their homes, or being alone outside! Stephen comes looking for her, but he doesn’t look well and won’t tell her anything about what the other pack are doing or want. He just wants to be with her, but has to return to his origin pack.
When another woman goes missing, she is finally found badly injured and with a message for them all. The Molgrove pack’s alpha, Joshua, wants Charlotte! He wants Stephen to lure her into their pack, so he can have her for himself. He pretends that he would be willing to share her with Stephen and knows she is already mated to three others, fully, but doesn’t care. When Char goes missing, her three remaining mates go looking for her, but it is Stephen who finds her and they are soon faced by the alpha Joshua. He shows that he is certainly not what any of them thought and has been hiding a very big secret! Joshua has forced his way into the role of Alpha, but a lot of the Molgrove pack are not happy with his manner of leadership, but are rather prisoners to pack culture and unable to leave. Joshua won’t allow anyone to leave and has guarded all their lands, to keep others out, but also to stop any of his pack from leaving or getting help. He will happily destroy anything and anyone who gets in his way! A final showdown is necessary, but comes sooner than Lynn’s pack expected and the outcome is vastly different as well. Lynn’s pack will soon be overcome with shifters needing a new home, but at least Char will have her four fated mates finally under one roof, the home they have all built for her! Joshua will get what he deserves and the other pack members can decide to rebuild or join Lynn’s pack, where all are welcome. I received an ARC copy of this book from BookSprout and I have freely given my own opinion of the book above.