A review by brokenrecord
Wrong to Need You by Alisha Rai


4.5 stars. This was so good! I think I might have been marginally less into it than the first one, but it was still great. It took me a little bit to get into it, but once I was, I was all in. Sadia and Jackson were so great — I loved the unrequited pining on Jackson's part. And I loved the reveal that
SpoilerPaul was the arsonist.
I really loved that while Sadia did love Paul, they also had problems in their marriage. Too often in these kinds of stories with a widow (or widower) the dead spouse was either 100% perfect or an abusive asshole, so I liked that Sadia and Paul's marriage was somewhere in the middle, where they did have serious problems, but Paul wasn't evil. Jackson and Sadia were so sweet, and I really loved Kareem and the relationship he formed with Jackson. I'm also completely into all the family soap opera stuff — I just find it really fun and enjoyable.
SpoilerAnd Nicholas and Livvy getting engaged!!!
And all of Sadia's sisters!!! And Nicholas and Jackson's interaction!!! Basically I'm just super into this series.