A review by evielynn0713
The New Girl by R.L. Stine


Just as addictive as it was when I was younger! I really enjoyed the story and goofy the higheschoolers acted in school and with each other! This book is a 2006 reprint of the 1989 original so it was kind of cool to see that there were slight updates to keep up with the times like ipods, Missy, Elliot, and Kanye West, but still had the original atmosphere as well as landline phones! I am going to try and reread as much of the series as I can!

"Fear Street, a narrow street that wound past the town cemetery and through the thick woods on the south edge of town, had a special meaning for everyone in Shadyside. The street was cursed, people said.The blackened shell of a burned out mansion-Simon Fear's old mansion-stood high on the first block of Fear Street , overlooking the cemetery, casting eerie shadows that stretched to the dark, tangled woods. Terrifying howls, half-human, half-animal, hideous cries of pain, were said to float out from the mansion late at night." -Pg 18