A review by gertrude314
The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings by Charlotte Perkins Gilman


I really love Charlotte Perkins Gilman's works. Before I read this book I read her Wikipedia page and learned that she was a feminist who got a rare (in those days) divorce and dealt with depression when people didn't really understand what it was. Learning about her first colored the way I perceived what I was reading. Obviously, The Yellow Wallpaper is a classic but I think it's lessons still hold true today with feminism and human rights being so important right now, and always.

I didn't read the entirety of this book because it included excerpts of other books she's written, like [b:Herland|531509|Herland|Charlotte Perkins Gilman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1403189138s/531509.jpg|83484], which I want to read from start to finish all at once. I can't wait to read more from her.