A review by teodora_paslaru
Room, by Emma Donoghue


I enjoyed this book so much! I don`t know if the fact that I am now a mom helped me enjoy this book more, but I think that it did. Surely, it was not what I expected it to be, but it only made me like it more.

I thought that I was going to read a book about the life of a woman in captivity and her escape, but it was, actually, a book about the way a child sees the world and how his mother`s love is what he needs the most in order to grow up. It made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me better understand my own kid, better understand his fears, his needs, his development. Beyond the idea of captivity and sexual abuse, it touched issues that are important for a parent like prolonged breastfeeding, co-sleeping and other stuff about kids` education. What I liked best was that it showed the world our kids are discovering and how we take, sometimes, things for granted. Definitely a great read!