A review by carryontae
Run & Hide by Beatrix Hollow


How did a book that had very descriptive monster fucking turn out to be something I had to force myself to finish despite the fact that I really wanted to read more monster fucking books?

Ava. Ava did that all by herself.

I appreciate that she had what would be a very normal person's reaction to finding out the guy you've been drooling over and then screwing is actually a scary unknown monster re: she was scared stupid. Unfortunately, her backstory involves her being fully aware of the supernatural (both due to her own constitution and her family history) and it stretches the limit of my imagination that she didn't pick up on /any/ hints over the years. Yeah okay, she's been terrified her whole life and denial is her best friend but then why lie so much about it? I completely get not wanting to go into the family business, but what did you think was going to happen if you just kept prattling on about how the paranormal wasn't real? Just tell them you're scared and your family--you know, the ones who've been doing this a lot longer than you have and don't seem to hate you--would've most likely helped you deal with that fear in a healthy, not stupid way. (The haunted house shit was pretty obviously because they were trying to get her to see that ghosts were real which they wouldn't have done if they knew she knew that!!! Gah this is annoying me.)

Also if you're so scared ... why are you running off into the woods alone in the middle of the night to chase after fucking raccoons who stole your food? Let them take the fucking food, stay away from horror story bait! Not to mention all the 'oh Caspian's dick feels so strange and not human-like at all and oh he doesn't look too fazed by blood and oh you know what no I'm not going to think about this' crap MY GOD ENOUGH.

I was waiting so long for her to come into her own somehow. It's not like I wanted her to turn into some supernatural queen overnight or something--I would've settled for her making /less/ idiotic decisions that seem to completely contradict all the fear she was feeling but nope. Also Mothman was a very obvious monster but she was so quickly okay with him going down on her because ??? he didn't know what he was doing?? I hope I misread that (a very likely possibility, I was skimming by then.)

I really want to know who that guy in the mine was (also if she's so scared and she's being chased by a hunter WHY ANSWER CREEPY CALLS COMING FROM THE DARK I DON'T UNDERSTAND) and I want to know what the deal is with that splinter from hell and I want to know if Caspian and Brandon are going to fuck but I truly cannot stand the idea of having to deal with more Ava POV.

Two stars only because the monster fucking parts were cool and I liked all the Caspian shenanigans where he got violent and tore things apart. Going to re-read Cute But Psycho; Bree is my queen, she'll help make me less irritated.