A review by tab2004
Deviant by Natasha Knight


I will freely admit I do read Natasha Knight and have liked a lot of her books. Yes she does recycle some things
-girl is virgin or inexperienced/male is basically a man whore
-there is always dubious consent/non-consent
-anal sex which of course comes with no prep
-he's fucked up from his childhood
-she knows she should be hating him but she just can't resist - :[
-there is always both POV's which I do appreciate as a reader

I can handle a lot of that shit as long as the female is at least not a doormat and has some sense of pride/self worth. But the girl in this book doesn't. She literally watches him fuck two other women, one of which he murders! and she still wants to be with him. Its a whole other level of fucked up even a dark reader like me can't fathom. Too me he's no better then the asshole who raped her as a kid!
The male character is a deviant but so much more. He's an abusive, twisted, piece of shit that I was hoping might actually die at the end not get a HEA. One dead brother is no excuse for the sick vile things he does. Deviant is almost too nice a name for him. I love dark but only when its righted with some type of light. This book has none.