A review by smoore05
Fables, Vol. 9: Sons of Empire by Bill Willingham


The tale of father and son is a strong tale, believe me I have raised my own son for 5 years now. This tale goes a long way into developing a relationship between wolf and cub, and lays a base of trust and love that was much needed after so long apart. The only thing I could ask for is to try and understand where the 7th son is in all of this? He never breaks his silence, he hovers and never experiences things as part of the group or tale. Also, Santa's magic list seems to not even be able to detect the anomaly of the child. It is a sad tale that he can not even be apart of the family.
For the other characters it seems Rose is growing fond of boy blue, which may help his heart break when he realizes Red is in love with Flycatcher. I like the little side stories and it keeps things interesting even outside of the main characters.