A review by authorkmg
Beautiful Broken Rules by Kimberly Lauren


From pagetrotter.blogspot.com

Ok let me just say kudos to the author for writing a female character who is sexually active and owns it. Yes, maybe her reasons for doing so stem from a traumatic past, but still. I loved her. She was unapologetic and I loved her rules. Emerson is a tough cookie. Stuff went down when she was younger that makes her skittish of relationships. She never sleeps with a guy more than three times, never sleeps with a guy a friend has feelings for, and never sleep with a guy that is in a relationship. She believes that by sticking to these rules everyone gets what they want and no one gets hurt. That is until she meets Jaxon, her best friend Cole's new roommate/best friend. Let me tell you, peeps, their "meet cute" is so damn embarrassing and funny I was cringing and LOLing at the same time. I could picture it perfectly.

Jaxon is such a sexy sweetheart. That describes him perfectly in my opinion. He's open with Emerson about his feelings for her and is willing to be patient...to a point. ENTER CONFLICT. Guess you'll have to read it to see what happens. But in all seriousness, he is a perfect example of a great guy. The thing he does with her textbooks, lets just say that if you don't melt there is something wrong. It is the sweetest thing ever and I will be dropping hints to my future boy to do this. So damn romantic. Also did I mention he has a hot twin? Did I also mention that this twin is a genius of epic proportions? SWOON! Please, author lady, please let him have a book! PLEASE! I want to visit all my book friends again!

Now for the technical stuff? The pacing was done really well, the dialogue was great, and most importantly NO CLIFFHANGERS!!! I believe we are left with an opening for Jace's book (Jax's sexy twin). Anyways, I loved it. It could have gone so wrong. Emerson could have come across as a slutty ho-bag with no redeeming qualities, but there is a depth to her and a genuine need to protect the people she cares about that makes what she does kind of heart breaking. I want to hug her and party with her. If that makes sense LOL! Jaxon is caring and strong, he doesn't put up with her unnecessary BS, but when he needs to give he does. Quinn, Cole, and Jace round out our main cast and they are fantastic friends. They really care about each other and are very close. It reminds me of my group of friends and I loved that. Go buy it, you won't regret it. I'm already stalking the authors blog for news on her next release. Total fan mode. Come join me! I'M CALLING IT NOW!! THIS IS THE NEXT BIG BOOK CRAZE!!! Hop on the train now!