A review by darencaughron
The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World by Nawal El Saadawi


“Capitalist circles today are facing a dilemma. They are in need of Islam and utilize it as a buttress against progressive and socialist movements. But at the same time, they realize that Islam has been an important force for people’s liberation at various stages of its history, including contemporary Arab societies, and that once again it can play an important role in the struggle against exploitation and oppression.” (XXVII-XXVIII)

It's important for people like me to check my privilege when thinking about Islam – a fundamentally liberating force in the world. It has unfortunately been perverted and warped by (1) Western powers seeking to extract influence by exploiting cultural and religious disagreements that they fundamentally do not understand, and (2) local despots who rely on Islam as a tool to solidify their authoritarian grip on their citizens.

A fantastic read. Though, I do believe that Saadawi is a bit too long-winded in this book.