A review by kristafoley18
Yellow Wife by Sadeqa Johnson


Wow this was truthfully hard to read at times. Sadeqa Johnson does a great job with her research and writing to show off the harshness of slavery in a sad time in American history (based off of a true story). It was a good story to read more about the times, because, while still intense and harshly depicted at times, it was in the point of view of a more privileged slave Pheby.

Pheby is a well developed character who is somewhat naïve and educated, then thrust into being a mistress to a horrible jail owner. She grows to be very strong and admirable, especially once she becomes a mother herself. What a special bond mothers have with their children... it was nice to read about the lengths mothers go to keep their children safe, even centuries ago. Despite the harshness of slavery with descriptions of the inhumanity through Pheby's eyes, there were also moments of hope and community. I also loved how Pheby's own mother helped instill positive thoughts, constantly reminding Pheby how she is special, from a strong lineage, and how she is destined for a better life to come.

I think the author did a good job to help us reflect on the negative parts of our history... to read and educate ourselves about the past in a respectful manner. Sadeqa Johnson's story also reminds us to keep moving forward, as there is always room to improve, love, and grow as a person and as a society.

A good well written book, though I thought the ending was a bit cut short. 3.5 stars.