A review by sek73
Daughters of the Bride by Susan Mallery


I'm giving this book 5 stars because I'm easy and also because I really loved it. Although I'm going to say outright, I couldn't stand Maggie. I know this is because I have a naraccist for a mother and I have always been an after-thought or more of a regret, so I'm biased. But Maggie was so selfish in the telling of the story and also her actions. I didn't like her one bit.

I loved Courtney because I'm Courtney. But I'm so glad she met Quinn. I had forgotten he was Shannon's Quinn from the Mischief Bay books until it was mentioned. I thought Quinn was great. I loved Sienna and Rachel and Greg. The characters were all lovable, the situation comical, and the resolutions romantic and realistic.

But couldn't stand Maggie.

Well this book was hotter than I thought it would be. That isn't the only pre-requiste of me liking a book but it certainly helps.