A review by mrfrank
Strange Fucking Stories by Sean Ferrari, Matt Kurtz, William Tea, Eric Dimbleby, Frank J. Edler, Kevin Strange, John Bruni, M.P. Johnson, Christopher Hivner, Jacob Lambert, K.M. Tepe, Rich Bottles Jr., D.M. Anderson, Justin Hunter


I've just read the bible on Strange Fiction. No theme, no steadfast topic to hold on to. StrangeHouse Books just called for strange stories and they got it. My initial reaction; this is supposed to be StrangeHouse Books tribute to bizarro fiction but instead they got a tribute to their own brand of off beat fiction. In short, this is the best of the best of the STRANGE!

It really if difficult for me to categorize this book as a Bizarro anthology. This collection of 13 weird tales truly do embrace the spirit and embodiment of StrangeHouse Books. This is the very soul of the rising publishing giant. Cult Bizarro? Can that be a thing? It matters not because the mighty StrangeHouse Books just made it so, you are either with them or against them at this point.

Like any solid anthology, this was a solid effort from top to bottom, yet several stories rise to the top and demand the attention they deserve. I don't usually spotlight Kevin Strange in his own anthologies but his contribution, "The Humans Under The Bed" is so good it still deserves an honorable mention. The dust has not yet settled, but this could very well be in the contention for favorite Kevin Strange story of all time (it's available, rightly so, as a stand alone purchase). This is a 'flip-the-script' endeavor where the monsters are the ones who must overcome the humans all the while never losing sight of the important subtleties of storytelling. This is all done with what is becoming the Kevin Strange signature flair for heroes wearing flesh costumes and giant things fighting giant things. Bravo for the anchor story in the anthology!

It is nearly impossible to talk about a StrangeHouse Books anthology without talking about the masterful contribution from Rich Bottles Jr. Strange Fucking Stories is no exception as Rich Bottles checks in with a big winner entitled, ASSFACE. Out of the gate it was difficult to see where he was headed. Near the end I had it figured out. Even so, Bottles outguesses the reader and adds an extra bonus punctuation to the ending just so you know who's boss in the end.

To round out the top three, I absolutely must talk about the story that is the very inspiration for the cover of STRANGE FUCKING STORIES, "Rape C(o)untry". Klop, Klop, Klop. Who doesn't love some ominous teasing and mystery? This is the strange story of a renegade blow up doll, her inhumane captor and a pinker than pink effeminate rescuer more manly then you could ever dream of being. Author Billy Tea is quickly rising in the echelons of SHB to become an elite. Look for Tea to become the next great feature writer at SHB!

Those three are vast stand-outs. Still there are several worth mentioning to keep an eye on when you read this ode to odd. "Heart and Caterpillars" by MP Johnson is quirky and unsettling. "The Knot That Binds" is an off the rails offering from SHB veteran John Bruni. "Cockblock" by KM Tepe is the giant middle finger smack-dab in the middle of the book. Cephalopod" by Justin Hunter demonstrates SHB's dedication to all things Lovecraft. And "Zombie Bowl" by DM Anderson let's everyone know there is still plenty of room for horror in the Strange galaxy.

Those great stories as well as my own contribution, "Dick Sick" make up what is, in my mind, the currenty state of affairs in Strange Fiction. Is it Bizarro? At times, I am sure it is, yet I don't believe a single contribution to this anthology was ever meant to be ingested as Bizarro. This book is Strange, the stories are Strange and if you ever feel just a little Strange then you need to read this and feel grounded where others would make you feel odd.