A review by helenfarch
Sugarcoated by Sarah Epstein


Sophie's life has crashed and burned. Her dad has left to live in New Zealand, her boyfriend has dumped her for her (now ex. best friend), and her creative spark has gone out.

To save money to more to New Zealand to live with her dad, she gets a job at Seaside Candy Co.

But there life begins to get more complicated than she every thought possible, as well as providing new friends, reconnecting with old friends, and long buried secrets about to surface.

If you have read any of Sarah Epstein's books, you know her to be an amazing author of Australian YA Thrillers. Small spaces, her debut novel, scared the #$*&^% out of me. That was followed up by Deep Water, another thriller set in a small Australian town.

Now, Sarah has started a new contemporary YA series, The Leftovers, with book 1 being Sugarcoated.

What? I hear you ask. Contemporary fiction? Sugary and sweet?

Whatever you do, don't let the change in genre stop you from reading this amazing, funny, sad and at times confronting book.

And I know the rest of the series will be just as good.

In fact, you can visit Sarah's webpage and download a free prequel novella, which I loved at least as much as this first novel.

The dedication to Piece of Cake, the prequel novella is...

"For anyone who has ever felt like a leftover on the 'dud' table. I want to sit with you."

I want to sit with you too Sarah!

Thanks to the author for the review copy of this book.