A review by lauriereadsrom1
Like It's 1999 by Karen Grey


"Like It's 1999" by Karen Grey features Alice Kim and "Hot" Steve Lowell, who were the best friends of female lead Kate Bishop in the first book of the Boston Classics series. I really liked both Alice and Steve when they were introduced, so I was incredibly excited to read more about them in this novella. They turned out to be a ton of fun together, and their story more than lived up to my expectations.

For various reasons, neither Alice nor Steve was interested in pursuing a serious relationship, and they were especially concerned about getting involved with each other because of their mutual friendship with Kate. Neither could resist the pull of the attraction between them, however, or the fact that they had so much fun when they were together. I especially loved the way they bantered and teased each other, as well as their shared love of movie quotes.

Alice and Steve's story took several surprising twists and turns and included a number of unexpectedly emotional moments too. I loved that I couldn't predict what was going to happen next. Thankfully, it was a relatively short story because I didn't want to put my Kindle down until I knew how it was going to end!

Overall, I loved "Like It's 1999" and highly recommend it for all fans of contemporary(-ish) romance and romantic comedy. I can't wait to see what's next for this author and series.

*Review copy provided by the author. All opinions expressed are my own.