A review by viarwn
We Unleash the Merciless Storm by Tehlor Kay Mejia


what i felt like was missing from the story was carmen's pov as she was getting closer to dani and falling for her. we get dani's pov in the first book which i enjoyed but because we didn't get carmen's i found it hard to believe why carmen would feel that way for dani and why she was going against everything she knew when i couldn't understand why she felt that way because the carmen we get to know in this book is very different from the carmen we got to know in the first book. it felt like we were dropped in the middle of a story which worked well with everything going on considering this was a sequal except for the love story which is such an important aspect to the story. it felt like it took up a much bigger proportion of the overall story and i just wasn't convinced sadly but i really wanted to be