A review by isabelatc
Ulysses by James Joyce


Why did they ever bother banning this book? It's not like anyone can understand it - frankly, I often contemplated the possibility that I am just reading pages upon pages of gibberish. Plus with all the references, I don't see how anyone could read it before the Internet.

Clearly Joyce has a way with words, and I really enjoyed reading some of the chapters (the ones that weren't written in some completely undecipherable style), but really could he not come up with a more interesting story? Nothing happens in this book!! It's seven hundred pages of people walking around, talking, drinking, taking a piss, chewing their own toenails and being amazed by water. And masturbating in the park while looking at some silly girl's stockings. And having really weird hallucinations that make you wonder what kind of drugs everyone's on but it's just so hard trying to make sense of the world through their eyes that you have to really fight to read through them.

I highly recommend it to lit snobs and people with insomnia. If not for the master thesis I was supposed to be writing I never would have finished it.