A review by rosekk
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire


Ok, I'll start with the criticisms and get them over with - they didn't matter much in the end anyway. There were some areas where the writing was quite dodgy. I realize this isn't completely the authors fault - that stuff should get ironed out in the editing process (but it never ever does for some reason). It put me off in places.

That being said, I was addicted to the book. I read it within a day, in two sittings broken up only by sleep and revision. I find with a lot of romance books that I've guessed the ending by the end of the first few pages, because many of them follow cliches to the letter. This was a little different though - I spent the whole time wandering what was going to happen next. I was a little bit disappointed at the ending for this reason - I thought that part was unnecessary. It felt a bit token, since it didn't really add anything to the story. I also find it a bit patronising, since it basically suggests that a perfect end to a romance is - well I won't put a spoiler in, but you can probably guess what I was about to write. Other than that though, I really enjoyed it. The book probably doesn't deserve a full 4 stars - it's just a good romance - but it's made me happy and provided a nice break from philosophy revision, so I'm feeling generous.