A review by b00kw0rm113
Gallagher Girls Series Collection, by Ally Carter


First, can I start by saying how much I love this series? Honestly, totally surpassed my expectations because I had started reading another one of Ally Carter’s series, Heist Society, and I was unable to finish it.

The Gallagher Girls series consists of six books (plus a few short stories) and the series focuses on Cammie Morgan, who goes to a girls school for spies, Gallagher Academy. Now, we get to the good parts.

The first book, I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have To Kill You, didn’t exactly mark the beginning of the real plot, because it was more of an introductory book. It showed Cammie’s abilities and her friendship with Bex and Liz. It does add two new important characters, Joe Solomon and Macey McHenry.

The plot basically is about Cammie meeting a completely normal boy, Josh, during a class assignment and how she and her friends do a complete study of whether or not Josh likes her back and how she sneaks out to go and see him.

The second book, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, adds much more characters and brings Zach into the scene, along with Dr. Steve. Now, if you read the book, Dr. Steve might not be so important, but he plays a huge role in the fifth book.

The plot of the second book is boys from Blackthorne Academy (which the Gallagher girls have never heard of) doing a transfer program with Gallagher Academy, and setting off all kinds of alarms.

In the third book, Don’t Judge a Girl By Her Cover, things start getting juicy, and you start flipping through the pages trying to figure out what’s happening next. Needless to say, that is one of my favourite part of any book, not just ones with mystery.

The book starts off with Cammie, Macey and Preston (he’ll also be important in later books), son of the president, get attacked at Boston and barely make it alive. They think that because Macey is a descendant of Gillian Gallagher (founder of Gallagher Academy), the attackers are after her, but they could be wrong.

In the fourth book, Only the Good Spy Young, Cammie’s teacher Joe Solomon is now found to be a part of a secret society out to capture Cammie and possibly killed Cammie’s father. The book’s main plot is finding out the truth about Mr. Solomon and proving that he’s innocent.

We have reached the fifth book. Oh gosh, here everything just gets 10 times worse, or is it better? Because the more thrill, the more interesting the book gets, but the more thrill, the more hurt Cammie gets! Wow, this is confusing.

The fifth book, Out of Sight, Out of Time, shows a amnesiac Cammie who doesn’t remember anything that happened the summer after she ran away from Gallagher Academy. The main story is Cammie and her team trying to follow her footsteps and find out where she went and what happened to her.

The sixth book! Now, I was very excited to read this, as I had read the sypnosis beforehand and absolutely loved it! And, as you’ve probably already guessed, it didn’t fail to meet my expectations.

Main focus of the sixth and last book, United We Spy, is chasing after the descendants of the members of the Inner Circle of the Circle of Cavan (read the fifth book. You’ll understand better) and trying not to get killed. God, comparing the first book to the last book, Cammie gets hurt so much more.

In this book and the fifth book, Cammie’s team has added a new member, Zach, who is pretty much Cammie’s boyfriend by the sixth book. Zach had gone to Blackthorne Academy and since his mother was a part of the Circle of Cavan, he and Preston (who’s father was a part of the Circle) were in grave danger.

If you are very sensitive and don’t like books with people dying in it, I wouldn’t recommend United We Spy or the whole series to you, because I can’t even count the number of people who die. Most of them are bad guys definitely, but still.

We have come to the end of this review! I would give the whole 5 stars and I absolutely recommend this to people who like girl spies, mystery, thrill and a whole lot of fighting and bloodshed (it is also alright if you can just tolerate the bloodshed like I did)