A review by loonyboi
The Puma Blues: The Complete Saga in One Volume by Stephen Murphy, Michael Zulli


This book was...not bad, but it doesn't hold up well. When I first read much of what's in this collection, I was much younger, as were its creators. This is the very first work by Michael Zullli, who would later go on to create far better works (frequently in collaboration with Neil Gaiman).

The biggest problem with Puma Blues is that the characters rarely do much of anything but mope around, pontificate, and then stare at some gorgeous scenery. The timeline jumps around, and when you factor in the creators' inexperience, it can be hard to follow at times. There's a new final chapter in this collection, and the jump from Reagan-era references to post-9/11 is a bit jarring.

But despite that, the book still has its moments. And as a historical artifact, it's a good one, and I'm glad Murphy and Zulli were able to finish their story (incoherent as it is). I just wish it were a better one.