A review by chelseavbc
Succubus Revealed by Richelle Mead


This review was originally published at Vampire Book Club.

Note: If you have not read earlier Georgina Kincaid novels, there may be spoilers below. There are no spoilers for Succubus Revealed, however.

I didn’t think I was ready to say goodbye to Georgina Kincaid — or Seth, Carter, Jerome or even Doug. I like the (mostly) supernatural crew in Seattle. Finishing Succubus Revealed, I feel differently. Richelle Mead brought everything — including the subplots for Carter, Roman and Doug — to a worthy close. After reading the epilogue, you won’t need more Georgina. You may still relive her earlier exploits, but I believe most will feel a sense of closure as the series ends.

I won’t say if you’ll be happy. Like most novels Mead writes, Succubus Revealed throws emotional curveballs and even when you see the storm brewing, you’ll still feel the pangs alongside Georgie. As most of you will recall from Succubus Shadows, Seth’s sister-in-law is sick. For most this will probably read as a well-written plot device. The family is trying to figure out how to help when there isn’t anything they can do to fix the problem. I’m currently going through something similar, and want to praise Mead on how honest and real Georgina and Seth’s behaviors and emotions ring. Enough that it made parts hard to read for me (though I don’t believe that would be true for the majority of you). I share this for two reasons: first to praise Mead in her character development and, second, to help you understand my emotional reaction to this one may be a bit skewed.

The sad parts, though, are balanced with some serious happiness. More than one character will grow and take selfless actions that will warm you all over — reminding you of the good in people and the power of both love and friendship.

For the last few books I’ve had a running theory on how this all might end, and I’m a little disappointed that I was right. I’m happy things played out as they did, but I had hoped there would be a bigger twist — only because I’ve come to expect big shockers from Mead’s other titles. Even if you’ve long believed a certain ending for Georgina and Seth’s saga, it’s worth reading though. The other characters threw some big surprises and the exact details of how it play out are creative.

And, honestly, the ending to Succubus Revealed just had me grinning. Really, truly grinning.

Sexual content: Detailed sex scenes