A review by lmrivas54
Rising Star by Susannah Nix


I love Hollywood romances and this one in particular because I found that the characters were so relatable to real life. Instead of having a super famous Hollywood actor, Griffin is making his way up, at the moment starring as a doctor in a TV series. Alice is a post-graduate student, working to finishing her thesis for a doctoral degree in Social Studies. She’s supplementing her scholarship working as an extra in the same series as Griffin. Due to the pecking order in the set, the “extras” don’t mix with the talent, but Griffin has a precious little dog, Taco, and Alice loves the little guy.

When Griffin is called away to film a movie, he decides to leave Taco home and hires Alice to doggy sit in his house. This was fantastic because Alice had just been ousted from her apartment so her roommate could move his boyfriend in.

Griffin was a ladies man but he was getting tired of the scene. He was looking forward to finding someone who would treat him as a normal person. When Alice moves into his house, he finds that instead of clinging, she kept a distance. She was friendly but distant. Naturally he was intrigued but he went away to film his movie. This was a great move by the author because it allowed the characters to be friends and get closer slowly. Their push and pull and the awkwardness of their meetings was very cute.

I liked that both characters had issues to overcome that seemed like real life. Griffin was still subjected to his agent’s instructions, which rested mostly on fake romances and manipulating the public’s perception of the actor. Alice had problems pursuing the completion of her dissertation because of the undesired attentions of an attending professor. As a couple they were a great fit, but as a public couple they were not made in heaven. It was an entertaining read, and I liked the glimpse I got of a lower level of Hollywood echelons.