A review by ellasreadingnook
Her, Too by Bonnie Kistler


Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for providing me with the eARC!

I was way too excited when my request for this ARC got accepted. I appreciate books that provide social commentary on assault, especially when the justice system is involved. I was worried that this book wouldn’t live up to my expectations, but it went WAY beyond what I was expecting - it will easily be one of my favorite reads this year. I finished this book in a little over two days, but I’ve been sitting on it as I wasn’t sure how to articulate my thoughts on it into a review.

Based on the synopsis, I was honestly expecting to despise Kelly’s character at the start; however, she’s almost immediately a likable character. Even if I didn’t totally agree with her views at the start of the book, I admired her ambition for her career, her prioritization of her family, and her desire to protect those closest to her.

I experienced a range of emotions while reading it, and I found that I had to put the book down at a few certain points due to overwhelming sadness, anger, or to simply reflect on some parts (specifically, conversations Kelly had with her son).

Even though I finished this book weeks ago, I still can’t stop thinking about it. I have so many more thoughts and feelings about it but don’t know how to put them into words other than: you need to read it. Needless to say, I will be preordering a physical copy of this book and most likely won’t be able to shut up about it or stop recommending it.