A review by javalenciaph
Forgetting August by J.L. Berg


Read the full review on Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

Note: This ARC was provided by Forever Romance in exchange for an honest review.

August Kincaid and Everly Adams's relationship was the kind that they both thought would end in happily-ever-after. But it's clear from Everly's reaction to learning that August has emerged from his coma that things weren't as peachy as they once were prior to the accident that August suffered two years ago. Even with August's amnesia, Everly is distrustful of him, having difficulty in separating the man August was before she walked away from him and the August now that reminds her of the man she fell in love with wrapped in someone new. If things weren't complicated enough, there's Ryan (no last name mentioned), an absolutely kind-hearted guy who loves and accepts Everly unconditionally and with whom Everly has created a comfortable home and life. I couldn't help but feel for Ryan after August regains consciousness.

This was a fast-paced story and a creatively unconventional romance. Everly's feelings for August are complex, even after their relationship eventually unraveled and even though she loved Ryan and was now engaged to him. Their are choices that she makes that I may not have necessarily agreed with, but then I honestly wouldn't know what I would do if the man I once loved woke up from a coma, had no memories, and was a new version of himself, very different from the monster that she believed he had become before the accident. There's also a twist to their love story, once that's barely hinted at, but its revelation at the end of this first book results in a cliffhanger that, simply put, is pure evil. Yes, evil, because I'm left waiting until March 1, 2016 to find how the story is resolved and to get answers to each of my lingering questions.

I have no idea what it is I should expect going into the Remembering Everly, what with how everything ended between August and Everly and how they were acting toward each other at the end of this first book. In terms of storytelling and writing per se, I'm expecting high quality from J.L. Berg, not only because she's got a loyal fan following that's sung her praises in the past, but because I've experienced it for myself with the Lost & Found series starter. I may just choose to not have any expectations when it comes to how the rest of the story will unfold, because I sure didn't see a couple of things coming here. I may complain often about evil cliffhangers, but stories like Forgetting August--the kind that end up with me fully invested in the characters--and authors like J.L. Berg make the wait worthwhile. Five-plus stars. ♥