A review by jesskd
Curse of the Fae Moon by J.M. Kearl


*This review may contain spoilers*

This story took a turn I didn't see. Fae are portrayed as one would expect. While I can still feel the HP and ToG vibes, it definitely turned into it's own story by the end. Which I was glad to see. I worried it would be too similar to those original stories (Troll fighting was the first scene I really got worried with) but while those tones are still there the plot is it's own.

Visteal has grown in this book, see is starting to really earn her crown. I was slightly disappointed in the friendship department. Freya is kind of just tossed to the side, Lora is a background character and the most important, Legacy, is left behind. I was just glad to see Lagacy at any point and really glad to see how her heart was broken when she found out about Visteal's deal. She was left out of a lot of this story and it makes sense as to why now and we get to see how that friendship is hurt with Visteal's choices. It made her character more real. And showed us that Visteal is not going to always make the best choices.

Overall a really good read!

⭐⭐ Story developed it's own plot and was interesting.

⭐⭐⭐ I was glad to see growth in our MC and even see the consequences of some of her choices in her friendship with Legacy.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ I would recommend to most readers and look forward to the next book.