A review by indielittttt
Cunt: A Declaration of Independence, by Inga Muscio


CUNT: A Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio
(CW: slurs)

Okay, bear with me this might be a complicated review.
There is a lot of useful information in this book. Muscio has a slew of great ideas that she shares in this book. That being said, I can’t say that I’d recommend anyone read this. There’s two main reasons for this on which I’ll elaborate.
First, she uses slurs….a lot. Within the first few pages she, a white woman, used the N word. While she wasn’t using it to de derogatory (she was conjuring an example), there’s no need to spell it out, it’s not your word to use. She also uses the R slur repeatedly throughout the book. While I recognize this book was originally written in the early 00s, this is a revised edition from 2018, there’s no reason she couldn’t have taken the time to rethink her word choice.
Second, she dedicates 2 whole parts of this book to sexual violence without having a clear idea about what sexual violence actually is. In the latter of the two parts, ‘A Wee Train Ride’ she seems to overlook how the root causes of sexual violence work to create sexual violence.
Again, she has a lot of good ideas and thoughts (and some bad ones), but I think she tried far to hard to include topics she doesn’t have a full grasp on. And in her quest to be funny and relatable, fell flat and at worst, was downright offensive.