A review by angels_gp17
Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter


Their is just something about this series that irks me. I want to love this series and I do so enjoy Jane, but I struggle. Jane is the type of heroine I like to read about in Urban Fantasy's. She’s independent, kicks butt, loves tea, has her favorite weapons, and is a skinwalker, something not common, at least to me, to read about. However, I feel I struggle in each book with something.

Some of my struggles have to do with the men in Jane’s life vying for her. I dislike them as boyfriend/lover material. They have all really disappointed me and not won me over on that front. I like them and I don’t; because they all have their own agendas and know one is looking out for Jane. I feel she can and does deserve better on the lover/boyfriend front. Next is all the guilt Jane cares around with her. Every book she has a guilt complex about something. Sometimes it’s about things she can’t control. Not that it changes her behavior, no, it turns into a crutch that motivates her actions and thinking. Last is her goddaughter who keeps trying to reach out to her. Jane doesn’t listen and/or puts her off until it’s convent; which by then things have progressed to the point of no return or dire straits. The child is gifted and Jane should know by now to listen.

With that said Raven Cursed is book four in the Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter.

In Raven Cursed we go back to Asheville, North Carolina, Jane’s home town. Jane has to deal with a Vampire parley, a witch using blood magic, and Rick going furry. Her life is changing and ever more chaotic.

The book was a little slow going, picked up, then went slow again. It was a back and forth. I wasn’t fully feeling Raven Cursed, but it was still pleasant. I was glad we got clarification on whether Rick cheated in the last book. It wasn’t what I had thought, but he still kept secrets from Jane. If he cared, he would have confided. Yes, Jane kept a big secret, but that secret is so ingrained in her to keep. She doesn’t trust easily.

Their was a lot to enjoy with Jane and Beast hunting, Jane talking with her goddaughter, discovery of the traitor, and the grindylow. I enjoyed the novel.

Rated: 3.5 Stars
