A review by mxmreads
The Death of Baseball by Orlando Ortega-Medina

I have been struggling with writing a review ever since I started reading this ARC. The reason I requested it was because the cover drew me in and after reading the blurb I thought to myself “This can either go really well, or end in a disaster.”

I was hoping for the first. I was hoping for a sensitive approach and exploration of gender, identity, and queer love in a historical context. I was hoping for nuance and empathy and respect. What I got was… not that. Which is why I didn’t fill out the usual tags at the top of the review. I can’t do it, because I’m not sure what the author was telling me here and how to interpret it. 

You can find my full review on the blog, including spoilers and my struggle to explain what is in this book and how it affected me. The gist of it: it was painful to read and I hated it.
