A review by thebooktrail88
Last Seen by Lucy Clarke


Dorset gets a bit dark!

Last Seen

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I am always a bit nervous reading about missing children although the stories are actually so much more about the parents and the aftermath. this was a gripping novel as a beach with sandhuts is a happy place right? The beach with memories and childhood games changes in a second and it’s a scary thought.

The two mothers and how they react to the incident are heartbreaking and it’s all too real. Imagine how you would feel if that were you? I admit I found the alternating chapters a bit tricky to read on a kindle as it wasn’t always clear who was talking – I did start writing it down but at least you could flick back in a real book.

Lucy always captures the settings she writes about so well and the sea is a theme here as in her other books – the way it can represent something so tragic here and the significance of the pull of the water and that never ending horizon is very well evoked. Lots of meaning in this novel and a good summer read.