A review by ioana_cis
Niksen: Embracing the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing by Olga Mecking


Was super excited to read a new cute book - but mostly is about that - a cute reading but nothing revolutionary. Some quotes:
- The attraction of illness lies in its capacity to redeem one of the greatest vices of our society: not doing anything,” writes management professors Carl Cederström and André Spicer in The Wellness Syndrome.
- Ben Coates puts it well: “Yeah. You have to fit in. To be gay is completely fine and a man married to another man, that’s fine. But if you put your trash out in the wrong container or on a wrong day, that is a major social scandal.”
- Jenny Odell, author of How to Do Nothing, calls this NOMO, or necessity of missing out.
- We’d all be fixed if there was just one way and we could figure it out. People just want one answer. They want you to tell them to go into nature for 120 minutes a week and breathe deeply eight times, and that’s it. People feel it’s simpler if they are given a very clear blueprint, whereas in real life there is much more room to wiggle.”