A review by proudtobeabookaholic
Reckoning: After the Thaw by Heidi Catherine, Tamar Sloan


I'm becoming more and more fond of the characters in this series, and I feel a little sad that I have to leave them now. However, it's already a new series on its way, from the same world but further in the future. Looking forward to that!

I had a little trouble with the pacing of this book, though. It starts off quite intense, to be followed by a long haul of not much happening. Then everything happen at once and I barely have time to catch my breath in between the dangers our characters have to face. I'm so happy we get a kind of epilogue that takes place five years later!

If you enjoyed Divergent, The Hunger Games or The Maze Runner series you should check this series out!

*I received an ARC from the authors and I'm giving my honest review.*