A review by tmkutawrites
The Omega Objection by Gail Carriger, G.L. Carriger


Rating: 2.5/5

Disclaimer: I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this novel with the condition that I review it should I feel so inclined. Thoughts and opinions are my own. I would have reviewed this novel regardless of when or how I got it.

I'm generally a big fan of Carriger works, but this series has been a miss for me. That being said, the modern voice and wit Carriger uses in the San Andreas Shifters series, and in this book especially, is amazing. Also queer characters for daaaaaays! However, at the end of the day, it didn't save the book for me.

The Omega Objection needed/needs a SERIOUS developmental edit to par down extraneous characters/plot lines and develop Tank and Isaac’s characters and relationship. I kept reading until the end because I love the way Gail writes in her modern voice, and her wit had me rolling, but I was not invested in the relationship like I wanted to be.

I was invested in Isaac’s story line but not his romance with Tank. Neither Isaac nor Tank really developed much as characters by the end of the novel, and what development did occur felt rushed. The new characters that were introduced weren't fleshed out at all, which basically ruined them. All the old favorites got trotted out, but their appearances just ended up stealing the show and introducing secondary or tertiary plot lines that distracted me from the story at hand.

I feel bad tearing a Carriger book apart like this, but that’s where I’m at. I really, really wanted to like The Omega Objection; it had so much potential, and had all the right ingredients for me to love it, but in the end the mix didn't bake well and the cake was not for me. I honestly, really and truly, liked The Omega Objection better than I did The Sumage Solution, but I ended up rating it lower because of the weak characters and muddled plot.