A review by lisa01
Snow in Love by Libby Kay


A couple things I love about this book. Firstly, the title is adorable. The cover is sweet too. It is a shorter story but told perfectly and smoothly. My attention was drawn in and held due to the nature of the wonderful story. 

Secondly I love the storyline..skiing competitively. I don't run across this subject too often. While there isn't a ton of skiing in here it has some of the drama that goes along with being in a competitive sport. 

 Lastly the characters are wildly different from each other. They both are hot to trot and have large reputations. She is the Golden Child of skiing and he is the former bad boy of motocross.  I felt there would be a lot of time spent on why they are in the Paralympics but it was more about the feelings these two felt and their lovely romance. 

Overall it is a wonderful holiday and winter themed story. It is a lighthearted fun book to read on a cold day.