A review by xanthe87
A Boyfriend for Christmas by Jay Northcote


One of my favourite things about Christmas is the stories that come out and I always look forward to Jay's. A Boyfriend For Christmas brings all the feels in this opposite attracts, innocence/experienced festive romance.
Archie is just the sweetest and you can't help but love him straight away. His attraction to Cal is no surprise to himself but he is shocked that Cal shares returns those feelings. A tattooed biker at wealth management company's Christmas party is so funny with reactions from so many of the upper class rich people turning their noses up to Cal as expected but Archie is clearly different with his polite company and innocence coming through. What follows is something neither expect for themselves or from each other but it's hot, sweet and romantic in places as they grow closer but with caution as Archie isn't out to anyone and Cal needs to protect his heart.
Both men's friends offer a great amount of support and light relief, especially during the Christmas party. Archie's family are mostly as expected after we meet his parents at the party but there is at least one surprise in there when it comes to Archie's perfectly timed coming out.
Definitely another recommended read from Jay. It's got wonderful characters with a great story line and lot's spirit throughout.
Hamish really does an amazing job with this story, he's one of my favourite English narrators. Archie's character comes across perfectly with his polite manners, proper English and innocence and though Cal's not a rough character, there's still a little bit of an edge there to show he's more experienced and a little rougher around the edges. I happily listened to this across a couple of days whilst preparing the house for Christmas :-)