A review by si0bhan
The Harvest Man: Scotland Yard Murder Squad Book 4 by Alex Grecian


Since reading The Devil’s Workshop last year I was excited for this Murder Squad book. With everything that happened in the third book in the series you knew great things were to come.

Sadly, despite how much I enjoyed this one, it wasn’t quite to the level of the other books in the series. For me, this book focused far too much on the personal lives of the characters and overlooked the thing I was really interested in – the complex crime that came about following the events in the last book.

It is wonderful build up for what is to come – the events that took place in the last fifty or so pages suggest the series is going to take a truly interesting turn and I cannot wait to see how things are resolved – but as a whole it felt, in part, like a filler book. I simply wish there had been more to it than the focus upon the personal lives (whilst I’m at it, I should probably point out that I felt as though things could have been made more extreme in that regard as well, as people seemed to brush the details of the prior book aside a bit more than I would have liked).

As a whole, it’s not my favourite book in the series yet it has left me more than curious about what is to come next.