A review by blessedwannab
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta


What do I think.... I think that it's impossible to review a Melina Marchetta book. I find that I'm saying the same things over and over.

How about this; When I finished Saving Francesca I clutched it to my chest and wiped the tears off my cheeks with a big dopey grin on my face. I wanted to lay down and keep it pressed to my chest as I drifted off to sleep on a wave of euphoria. A friend said 'There is nothing this woman can't write', and it is the complete truth. She's a word magician. You can't tell that she's wrapping you in a spell, because you feel like the writing is simplistic, but before you know it you are enveloped in all these massive emotions right along with the main character. THIS is an amazing author.

Francesca wasn't perfect. She was full of anger, and she chose to be a follower. I found that alot of the time I was irritated with her. But I also loved her. She was an unhappy, confused, 17 year old girl. She was afraid of being herself and losing her friends. Over the course of 240 pages you went on a journey with Francesca. You fell in love with St. Sebastian. You began to understand her group of friends along with her. By the end you're so in love with each and every one that you just want more!

I adore Thomas Mackee and Jimmy Hailler. I'm thrilled that I get to read more about Thomas in The Piper's Son, and I really hope that she does a book for Jimmy too.

Another A+ for Marchetta, my new favorite author.

First read- 3/14/2011