A review by aotales
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave


(3.5 rounding up) While I definitely wouldn’t classify this as an intensely suspenseful thriller, I liked it all the more for it? Sometimes it’s just nice to just have a more low-stakes page turner than a nail-biter centring around themes of sexual assault, violence, and murder. What I’m saying: if you like your thrillers intense and scary, you won’t find that here.

The Last Thing He Told Me was a really enjoyable, undemanding family drama that threw plausibility completely out the window for a plot that canters along at a nice steady pace. I loved watching the relationship between Bailey and Hannah grow and the whole of this story really centres upon that for me. While the last stretch of this story got a little too far fetched and slightly ridiculous, the whole of the adventure was enjoyable. I never really knew where Laura Dave was taking this.

Am I happy with the ending? Nah, not so much. It felt a little off and mostly set up for sentimental emotional manipulation, a major literary pet peeve of mine. But overall The Last Thing He Told Me was fun with enough twists & turns to keep the reader interested and well worth the read. The honest and touching mother step-daughter relationship taking top marks.

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