A review by selisreads
The Barcode Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn


I have to say that his book made me cry. Not of sadness, but out of boredom. This book is a generic dystopian novel that revolves around Kayla, a girl who depends solely on the views and opinions of the "supporting" characters in the book. This makes the book particularly excruciating to read because the book is entirely based on challenging authority. How can someone challenge authority, if they don't have any opinions for themselves? Kayla therefore depends on the opinions of her "boyfriend" who (surprise, surprise) betrays her. And what does she do after? She has a big life realization that this guy who was in the book the entire time is now her soulmate for life, and uses his opinions for her own. Overall, if I had the ability, I would give this book a 1/2 star.