A review by aprilbooksandwine
Don't Look Now by Michelle Gagnon


You know how certain things can motivate you to get the job done more than others? Receiving an email and two copies of Don’t Look Now by Michelle Gagnon motivated me to read it sooner. I know, most people don’t kowtow to pressure, but I totally do. Also, I figure given the cornucopia of Don’t Turn Around copies that I received last year, I might as well read and review Don’t Look Now early so that I don’t feel that year-round guilt. It seems that there’s this trend with me, where when I feel the pressure to read a sequel, I kind of end up liking the sequel better than the first book. This happened with me and Don’t Look Now as well. I guess now that I am not trying to figure out what the heck is going on, why the characters are acting the way they are and what the conspiracy is, I can sit back and enjoy the ride.
Read the rest of my review here