A review by messing_with_book
A Kiss Of Venom by Beena Khan


ARC kindly provided for the author in exchange for an honest review

This new series by [a: Beena Khan |20221689|Beena Khan|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1613062154p2/20221689.jpg] is completely different from The Beauty & The Beast, but with characters and stories just as captivating, interesting and surprising. And although it took me a bit to finish the book, Alexander & Ghislaine made me enjoy it from beginning to end.

When I finished [b: A Beauty So Cursed |57044203|A Beauty So Cursed|Beena Khan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1613184206l/57044203._SY75_.jpg|89263423] I was a little worried when I learned that Alexander would be one of the main characters in this new series, I was afraid that I wouldn't like him and that would make me suffer the book , but from the first page he managed to steal my heart with his attitude towards little Noura. Alexander is Bratva's boss, cruel, rude, bloodthirsty and willing to get his hands dirty, but what surprised me was reading his sentimental, vulnerable, adorable, kind and loving side through his encounters with Noura and his subsequent romance with Ghislaine. I think he's a complex and simple character at the same time, he's someone politically incorrect that I would surely not fall in love with in real life, but that in this "fairy tale" Benna made me understand, love and even wanting to protect him, especially towards the end of the book.

Ghislaine is for me, and so far, one of the strongest girls I have read by Beena Khan, is a woman who has spent three years in a coma , who wakes up and realizes that she is now a widow and has lost the first times of her little Noura, someone strong, brave and willing to show that she has earned her place in the force through her hard work. But she is lost and desperate woman too, someone who doesn't know how to continue with her life. When she wakes up from the coma, she has to face numerous obstacles and people who make her discover a new side of her personality, one that leads her to understand and overlooking certain aspects of Alexander's life, and questioning his own. One of the things that broke my heart the most about Ghislaine was the situation that Noura has to face throughout the book, it was very painful to read her fighting for get closer to the little girl and be a good mother, while trying to deal with all the things around her that she lost in her absence.

Alexander & Ghislaine has a very interesting forbidden love, with secrets that I never saw coming, and a different dynamic that made me fall in love. One of the best things about their relationship is the way in which Alexander supports Ghislaine in the most difficult moments, accepts his darkest and ruthless side, and of course how tender he is with Noura from the first time he meet her. I also loved her strength to make decisions regarding their relationship and the dilemma she was constantly in, I think what I loved the most about these two were the choices they both made throughout the book, making their love story even more complicated, funny, surprising, sizzling, and worth every page in this book.