A review by gamz
Dark Curse by Christine Feehan


So much excitement!

So, the little girl who escaped Xavier’s ice cave has grown up and has returned to find her dragons.

Lara spent her childhood being tortured by her father and great-grandfather. Her aunts helped keep her sane and helped her escape from her prison of ice. She has returned to the Carpathian Mountains to find her aunts.

Instead she meets a crazy, macho De La Cruz brother who happens to be her lifemate. He’s an over the top alpha, controlling idiot who honestly believes his word is law. With today’s #metoo movement, his ass would be in sooooo much trouble! #hotbuthellnah!

He does loosen up a bit, but not until AFTER Lara tries to commit suicide! It was a horrible time for all. He learned quickly what Lara experienced and worked hard to help her deal with the traumas of her childhood. Point for him.

My favorite bit was the trip to the ice cave. So much action! There was running and slashing and good old fashioned spell weaving. Lots of fun.

There was no conversion on this book. The hardass hero learned his lesson well and put his lifemate’s needs before his. Maybe there’s hope for the anachronistic Carpathian men after all.